
28 Jun - 2 Jul 2017

Local Time 2025-03-02 16:33:50
Senior Mens Outdoor

5 - 3
Pool B
0 - 1
Pool A
0 - 0
Pool B
0 - 0
Pool A
1 - 0
Pool B
3 - 4
Pool A
2 - 1
Pool B
4 - 2
Pool A
0 - 2
Pool A
4 - 0
Pool B
1 - 2
Pool B
1 - 1
Pool A
4 - 1
5th - 8th
8 - 0
5th - 8th
1 - 0
Semi Final
1 - 2
Semi Final
1 - 0
7 & 8
2 - 5
5 & 6
4 - 3
3 & 4
4 - 3
Goal Scorers
Day 5 after 20 games played - July 2
FG - Field Goal, PC - Penalty Corner, PS - Penalty Stroke
Team # Player FG PC PS Goals
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (RSA) 17 CAIRNCROSS Chad 0 4 3 7
University of Johannesburg (RSA) 12 HEYNS Gareth 0 4 2 6
Stellenbosch University (RSA) 25 BEAUCHAMP Connor 0 4 0 4
University of the Witwatersrand (RSA) 15 JAMES Brandon 3 1 0 4
Stellenbosch University (RSA) 24 PIKE Max 3 1 0 4
Stellenbosch University (RSA) 7 DE SOUSA Matthew 3 0 0 3
University of the Witwatersrand (RSA) 14 DONALDSON Sean 2 1 0 3
University of Pretoria (RSA) 9 PAULO Steven 3 0 0 3
University of the Witwatersrand (RSA) 13 CRESSY Bryce 2 0 0 2
University of Pretoria (RSA) 8 GUISE-BROWN Tim 0 2 0 2
Varsity College (RSA) 10 HEZLETT Keegan 0 2 0 2
Stellenbosch University (RSA) 10 HORNE Keenan 2 0 0 2
University of Cape Town (RSA) 16 RADEBE Lunga 2 0 0 2
Stellenbosch University (RSA) 4 SAMBOER Dayne 0 2 0 2
University of the Free State (RSA) 13 WELDHAGEN Tiaan 2 0 0 2
University of Johannesburg (RSA) 4 BARNARD Luke 1 0 0 1
University of Johannesburg (RSA) 11 BOTES Spencer 1 0 0 1
Stellenbosch University (RSA) 12 BOWREN Charlie 0 1 0 1
Varsity College (RSA) 18 BRADBURY Shane 1 0 0 1
University of Cape Town (RSA) 4 BUHLER Ethan 1 0 0 1
University of the Free State (RSA) 17 CHRISTOFFELS Winray 1 0 0 1
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (RSA) 19 COMERASAMY Cerezo 1 0 0 1
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (RSA) 13 COOMBS Laython 1 0 0 1
Varsity College (RSA) 9 COWELL Josh 0 1 0 1
Varsity College (RSA) 20 DELLIS James 1 0 0 1
University of Pretoria (RSA) 10 FORREST Michael 0 1 0 1
University of Cape Town (RSA) 14 GILDENHUYS Mike 1 0 0 1
University of Johannesburg (RSA) 8 HALLE Courtney 0 1 0 1
Varsity College (RSA) 8 HETEM Ross 1 0 0 1
Varsity College (RSA) 4 JONES Robin 0 1 0 1
Varsity College (RSA) 13 KELLY-STACK Taylor 1 0 0 1
University of Pretoria (RSA) 11 KEMP Ashley 1 0 0 1
Varsity College (RSA) 21 MCMANUS Steve 1 0 0 1
University of the Free State (RSA) 28 NEETHLING Cheslyn 0 1 0 1
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (RSA) 10 POTGIETER Andre 1 0 0 1
Varsity College (RSA) 12 REMKE Tylo 0 1 0 1
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (RSA) 14 SAMBOER Curtis 0 1 0 1
Stellenbosch University (RSA) 17 SCHOOLING Luke 1 0 0 1
University of Cape Town (RSA) 5 SORENSON Bjorn 0 0 1 1
University of Johannesburg (RSA) 3 TYSON Dlungwana 1 0 0 1
University of Pretoria (RSA) 13 VAN BREEMEN Cody 1 0 0 1
University of Pretoria (RSA) 14 VAN DER SPUY Dirk 1 0 0 1
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (RSA) 25 VAN JAARSVELD Arno 1 0 0 1
      41 29 6 76
Day 5 after 20 games played - July 2
Team # Player Red Yellow Green
University of Cape Town (RSA) 5 SORENSON Bjorn 0 0 2
University of Cape Town (RSA) 7 FERGUSON Andrew 0 0 1
University of Cape Town (RSA) 14 GILDENHUYS Mike 0 0 1
University of the Free State (RSA) 3 DE VILLIERS Raymond 0 1 0
University of the Free State (RSA) 11 RAMOS Matthew 0 0 1
University of the Free State (RSA) 21 TSAOANE Mpho 0 0 1
University of the Free State (RSA) 24 DU TOIT Janiel 0 0 1
University of the Free State (RSA) 28 NEETHLING Cheslyn 0 1 0
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (RSA) 8 WICHT Kurt 0 0 1
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (RSA) 13 COOMBS Laython 0 0 1
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (RSA) 14 SAMBOER Curtis 0 0 2
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (RSA) 22 GADA Pambili 0 0 2
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (RSA) 25 VAN JAARSVELD Arno 0 0 1
Stellenbosch University (RSA) 4 SAMBOER Dayne 0 0 1
Stellenbosch University (RSA) 5 REED Edwin 0 1 0
Stellenbosch University (RSA) 15 de NYSSCHEN Justin 0 0 1
Stellenbosch University (RSA) 16 TURNBULL Jordan 0 0 1
Stellenbosch University (RSA) 17 SCHOOLING Luke 0 0 1
University of Pretoria (RSA) 2 KUNENE Bandile 0 0 1
University of Pretoria (RSA) 3 LETUKA Onke 0 0 1
University of Pretoria (RSA) 9 PAULO Steven 0 0 3
University of Pretoria (RSA) 14 VAN DER SPUY Dirk 0 1 0
University of Pretoria (RSA) 18 LEMBETHE Paebo 0 0 1
University of Pretoria (RSA) 19 DAVIES Matthew 0 0 1
University of Pretoria (RSA) 21 HALLE Tim 0 0 1
University of Johannesburg (RSA) 3 TYSON Dlungwana 0 2 2
University of Johannesburg (RSA) 7 DART Taylor 0 0 1
University of Johannesburg (RSA) 8 HALLE Courtney 0 0 1
University of Johannesburg (RSA) 12 HEYNS Gareth 0 0 1
University of Johannesburg (RSA) 17 LETUKA Amkelwe 0 1 0
Varsity College (RSA) 2 MCNALLY Brad 0 1 0
Varsity College (RSA) 4 JONES Robin 0 1 0
Varsity College (RSA) 8 HETEM Ross 0 0 1
Varsity College (RSA) 9 COWELL Josh 0 1 0
Varsity College (RSA) 10 HEZLETT Keegan 0 1 0
Varsity College (RSA) 11 BOTTOMLEY Tanner 0 0 1
Varsity College (RSA) 12 REMKE Tylo 0 2 0
Varsity College (RSA) 15 DE MARIGNY Sacha 0 1 0
Varsity College (RSA) 17 REED Jayson 0 0 1
University of the Witwatersrand (RSA) 4 VAN WYK Cody 0 1 0
University of the Witwatersrand (RSA) 6 MAKABA Chris 0 1 0
University of the Witwatersrand (RSA) 7 MARKI Michael 0 1 1
University of the Witwatersrand (RSA) 12 FUTCHER Chad 0 1 1
University of the Witwatersrand (RSA) 15 JAMES Brandon 0 0 1
      0 18 37